The partners

Expertise from science and business

The “SPINNING” consortium consists of 14 partners (universities, non-profit research institutions and industrial companies), and fourteen associated partners. All participants are highly active in the field of pre-competitive hardware, firmware, and software development.


Fraunhofer IAF

The Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Solid State Physics IAF coordinates the project.

The institute also contributes its expertise in the epitaxy of isotopically pure diamond crystals and contributes to the processing of the quantum registers and processors. 


Fraunhofer IISB

Fraunhofer IISB explores the fabrication of qubits by ion implantation and refines the diamond material by passivation of the surfaces. This achieves a high quality of the color centers in terms of spin coherence times and precise depth positioning. In addition, the interaction of the color centers with device structures is optimized by characterization and simulation.


Forschungszentrum Jülich

Forschungszentrum Jülich is represented by the Peter Grünberg Institute of Quantum Control (PGI-8) and the Peter Grünberg Institute of Quantum Computing Analytics (PGI-12). The main contribution to Spinning consists of the development of methods for Quantum Optimal Control for the quantum computing demonstrator.


Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)

The Karlsruher Institute of Technology (KIT) is one of the Excellence Universities in Germany. KIT aims at a leading position in fundamental research and covers the full range from basic science to close-to-industry, applied research. The Wernsdorfer and Hunger groups have long-standing expertise in cryogenics instrumentation, spin manipulation, and solid-state quantum optics.


Universität Konstanz

The University of Konstanz is one of the eleven Excellence Universities in Germany. The Department of Physics at Konstanz has a thriving research community that provides an excellent environment for fundamental research. The Burkard group is conducting fundamental scientific research in the area of solid-state quantum information systems.


Universität Heidelberg

Heidelberg University will design and fabricate photonic resonators within the “SPINNING”-project in order to enable optical coupling to spin-based qubits. In addition, coupling of resonators to integrated waveguides will be optimized and embedded in photonic circuits for optical signal processing.


Technische Universität München

The TUM group work on the development of two key components within the SPINNING project: (i) fibre-coupled detectors for quantum light and (ii) SiV- compatible deterministic quantum light sources. Detectors and sources are modular, fibre-coupled components that target key wavelengths for the zero-phonon transition in SiV and SnV colour centres.


Universität Ulm

Ulm University will contribute to SPINNING project by design of high fidelity quantum gates and algorithms (Plenio team) and  their experimental retaliation on spin-photon quantum computer (Jelezko team).


Diamond Materials

For the preparation of spin-based diamond qubits, it is common to use very small single crystals as larger ones are not available. Within the Spinning Project Diamond Materials wants to develop polycrystalline diamond wafers with monolithically integrated single crystals in order to produce large area wafers which are desirable for industrial production.


NVision Imaging Technologies

NVision is focused on translating quantum technology ideas to breakthrough products and solutions to real-world challenges. In the SPINNING project NVIsion will develop a quantum hardware test center (QHTC). The QHTC will enable members of the consortium to test and optimize their respective contributions in a fully functional system.



Qinu is an expert in the creation of cryogenic environments and supports customers in industry and research in the realization of their quantum innovations. Its turn-key tabletop dilution refrigerators offer milli-Kelvin operation with high cooling power. With their comprehensive equipment, fast cooling times and compact design, Qinu’s cryostats provide an excellent platform for all kinds of quantum technological experiments.


Universität Stuttgart

The University of Stuttgart with it’s contributors in physics and electrical engineering is the cradle of spin-based quantum computing. With it’s newly established Centre for Applied Quantum Technology comprising world-wide unique nanostructure and measurement capabilities it is a key hub in the experimental development of scalable spin quantum computers.


Quantum Brilliance

Quantum Brilliance is a manufacturer of quantum computing hardware - with its European headquarters in Stuttgart. The company offers quantum accelerators made of synthetic diamonds in small form factors that operate at room temperature and do not require cooling with e.g. liquid helium, as well as a set of software tools and applications. In the Spinning project, Quantum Brilliance acts as a commercialization partner.


Swabian Instruments

The partner Swabian Instruments develops and investigates a highly integrated scalable measurement and control system for solid-state-defect based QPUs. With this, the consortium has a turnkey electronics system at its disposal that enables the driving and programming of the QPU demonstrator.


Qruise GmbH

Qruise GmbH will provide the Spinning project with advanced algorithmic tools to significantly automate and accelerate the characterization, control and (re)calibration of the Spinning demonstrator platform, a digital twin for said platform, as well as the software necessary to provide a private or public quantum cloud access to the Spinning QPUs.


The German Federal Ministry of Education and Research funds the “SPINNING” project within the program quantum technologies – from basic research to market (grant agreement number: 13N16209).